Of course I did the smoke test today. Mounted the motor, connected a 3S battery and hit the throttle.
I ran the Emax 2204 motor for 10 secs before I could fry an egg on it. Hmmm, maybe I should have looked beyond ”it fits”?
An 8*4 prop is not quite the same as a 5*4 drone bit of plastic. No problem, what else do we have in the BigBox of Stuff? Ah, look at that, sort of ancient history here. A HET-RC Typhoon Micro 6/3D. More or less the first motor I got just before the foamy craze started.
- Specs:
- Weight : 35 grams
- KV : 1460
- Max Current : 12 A
- Power Nominal : 90 Watts
- Recommended Props: APC E 9 X 4.7
The 9*4.7 is what is relevant here. Ok, lets see what E-Calc says:
50 Watt on a 2S Lipo with almost 4.8 m/s vertical performance at 370 gr RTF, and a 5 mins motor run on a 450 mAh battery. Ok, no problem. Lets go!
Getting a bit nostalgic there while looking for the plane with that Typhoon. At the top is my Blaster in good ol’ N-Ireland. It had a variety of radio gear in it, this is I think the Spektrum-Mpx version.
Can’t resist looking back: Yellow Road. With the right northerly you could hang for an hour in the breeze, untill your fingers turned blue. Further back was a similar bowl facing south-ish. That was the better spot. My first flight with the Birdy lasted 30 mins or so.
And I found it! First ever CNC-ed plane. Not a real serious design, just made it, because I could. This was powered by that HET-RC Typhoon. Did fly well enough in the backyard!