While waiting for some parts, I decided to have a go at another project that’s been waiting to be started. I still have my original Blaster 1, RTF is approx 350 gram, and while it was fun flying it from a slope, it always a struggle to throw it higher then 35 meters on a good day. In the meantime I have something black that weighs 220 gram, and does go a lot higher!
That says much about my technique! Anyways, I’m electrifying it. There’s some quad engines lying around, some small Lipo cells that appear to be good enough for a few more flights. All that’s left to do is some radical surgery.
The first cut is the hardest, after that it’s a matter of making enough room for some servo’s and Rx, and somehow getting the CG sort at the right location. As always, I’m using the TLAR technique to get the dimensions right. There’s still a bunch of D47’s from Indoor days gone by, I’m sure I can find a receiver that will do the job, so I’m almost finished, just a matter of assembling a few parts.
I could not find the right size aluminum in my stash, which is a good excuse for doing a quick printed version of a prophub. I have a few 8*4 foldable prop blades, not really fit for this purpose, but I’m not using them for anything else. The first straight center part looks good enough, but then I wanted to have the blades tighter to the fuse. Some headscratchings later I have a fully printed foldable propeller including spinner part. Printing is is just rough and quick proof of concept, not the final one yet.
In the meantime I started preparing the fuse. Those were the days that Vladimir used kevlar for the front end. Real fun when sanding!
Will a printed part be strong enough to hold on to those blades? The answer to the question will have to wait till I assemble the battery. If not, I can always fall back on a proper 5 euro part.
That looks about right! so far 19 grams more then when I started, I need to add some glass around the front end a something to hold the servo’s. Also a small lid to stop stuff escaping. CG used to be at 78.7 mm, 3 mm to go!
I’m very happy with this!